AXIS Parking Violation Detection - User Manual Setup Guide

Solution overview About AXIS Parking Violation Detection AXIS Parking Violation Detection lets you create custom detection zones to monitor traffic lanes and other areas automatically. Parking violations are displayed with a timer embedded in the video stream to your VMS. AXIS Parking Violation Detection consists of a camera app and a desktop app. The camera app can be installed on compatible Axis network video devices that support the AXIS Camera Application Platform. A complete list of compatible devices and firmware versions is available at /products/axis-parking-violation-detection/support-and-documentation The desktop app is a Windows based app, and is used for configuration only. Find the device on the network For more information about how to find and assign IP addresses, go to How

Solution overview

About AXIS Parking Violation Detection

AXIS Parking Violation Detection lets you create custom detection zones to monitor traffic lanes and other areas automatically. Parking violations are displayed with a timer embedded in the video stream to your VMS.

AXIS Parking Violation Detection consists of a camera app and a desktop app. The camera app can be installed on compatible Axis network video devices that support the AXIS Camera Application Platform.

A complete list of compatible devices and firmware versions is available at /products/axis-parking-violation-detection/support-and-documentation

The desktop app is a Windows based app, and is used for configuration only.

Find the device on the network

For more information about how to find and assign IP addresses, go to How to assign an IP address and access your device.

Set a new password for the root account


The default administrator username is root. If the password for root is lost, reset the device to factory default settings. See

Support tip: Password security confirmation check
  1. Type a password. Follow the instructions about secure passwords. See Secure passwords.

  2. Retype the password to confirm the spelling.

  3. Click Create login. The password has now been configured.

Secure passwords


Axis devices send the initially set password in clear text over the network. To protect your device after the first login, set up a secure and encrypted HTTPS connection and then change the password.

The device password is the primary protection for your data and services. Axis devices do not impose a password policy as they may be used in various types of installations.

To protect your data we strongly recommend that you:

  • Use a password with at least 8 characters, preferably created by a password generator.

  • Don’t expose the password.

  • Change the password at a recurring interval, at least once a year.

Get started

Camera mounting recommendations

  • When you select the mounting location, remember that direct sunlight can distort the image, for example, during sunrise and sunset.

  • Minimum mounting height: 3 metres.

  • Maximum mounting height: 20 metres.

  • Maximum detection distance: 20 x camera height.

  • The camera’s field of view must be the same or slightly angled to the direction of the traffic lanes.

  • The width of the lane (A) you want to monitor should be approximately the same width as a vehicle. Moreover, the width of the lane should be more than 5% of the total image width (B).

  • The length of the lane (C) you want to monitor should be between 5 and 100 metres.

Download the desktop and camera apps

If not already signed in, you need to sign in to your MyAxis account to download the desktop app and the camera app.

  1. Go to /products/axis-parking-violation-detection

  2. Go to Software > Download.

Install the camera app

  • You can install the camera application either directly through the camera webpage or by using AXIS Device Manager.
  • To install the app on the camera, you need administrator rights.
Installing the camera application.
  1. Go to the camera’s webpage by clicking its IP number in the device list.

  2. Go to Settings > Apps.

  3. Click Add to upload the app installation file (.eap) to the camera.

  4. Click Start to activate the app.


For optimal performance, make sure that AXIS Parking Violation Detection is the only active app on the camera.

  1. To activate the license, you need a license key that is generated by the license code and the Axis device serial number. If you don’t have a license key on the computer, do the following:
  2. Go to /applications

  3. Go to License key registration.

  4. Enter the license code and the serial number.

  5. Save the license key file on the computer.

  6. Go to the app page in the camera.

  7. Click Install and browse to select the license file.

Install the camera app on multiple cameras

You can use both AXIS Device Manager and AXIS Camera Station to install the camera app on multiple cameras.

  1. In AXIS Device Manager, go to the Device Manager tab. In AXIS Camera Station, go to Configuration > Devices > Manage.

  2. Select the devices where to install AXIS Parking Violation Detection.

  3. Enter username and password for the cameras.

  4. Click [jigsaw piece icon] and select Browse to Application, click Browse and locate the downloaded app.

Install the desktop app

Locate AXIS Parking Violation Detection Desktop.msi in your downloads folder and click to install the desktop app.

Add a camera to the desktop app


To add cameras you need administrator rights.

  1. To open the Add device dialog, click +.

  2. Select one or multiple cameras with the app installed and enter the username and password.

  3. Click Add.

View live stream from a camera

  1. Go to the device list in the desktop app.

  2. Find the camera in the list and click

Configuration tool

Click the road icon to access the configuration tool. When you configure the application for the first time, we recommend that you follow the steps in the tutorial.

If you want to load a previously saved configuration, go to Save or load configurations.

Setting the perspective and editing detection zones in the desktop app.

Set the perspective in the scene

These steps are necessary for the camera to get an accurate perspective of the scene.


The horizontal lines must be parallel to each other and have a tilt of maximum 35°.

  1. Click the vertical line (V) and type a known vertical distance in the scene.

  2. Move the vertical line to the location of the known distance.

  3. Adjust the line using the anchor points to match the location in the scene.

  4. Enter known horizontal distances for the two horizontal lines (H1, H2)

  5. Move H1 to the top of the vertical line (V) and H2 to the bottom of the vertical line.

  6. Adjust the lines using the anchor points to match the location in the scene.

  7. Go to Add detection zones to monitor.

Add detection zones to monitor

Add detection zones where you want the app to monitor parking violations.


The minimum length of a detection zone is 5 meters, and the maximum length is 100 meters. The width of a detection zone should be that of a normal car. You can optimize performance by keeping the maximum number of detection zones per view to 4.

  1. Use the anchor points to adjust the detection zone so that it covers the area you want to monitor.

  2. Optionally change the default lane ID to identify the detection zone.

  3. Create additional detection zones.

  4. Adjust the threshold value for the parking violation timer in the Time threshold field.

    The threshold is the amount of time before a notification of a parking violation is sent and the timer starts. The minimum threshold is 30 seconds, and the maximum is 20 minutes (1,200 seconds).

  5. Note

    A higher detection sensitivity increases the number of alarms.

  6. Adjust sensitivity according to the conditions of the scene. We recommend that you initially leave it on Medium for evaluation purposes.

  7. Click Save.

Configure PTZ cameras with preset positions

When using a PTZ camera, each preset position must be configured separately.

Configure AXIS Parking Violation Detection on a PTZ preset position.
  • For the application to detect any parking violations, the camera must stay in the preset position for at least 30 minutes.
  • To be detected for parking violation, a vehicle must be seen stopping in the scene.
  1. Add the PTZ camera as described in Add a camera to the desktop app.

  2. Go to your VMS or the camera’s webpage and move the PTZ camera to the preset position you want to configure. Make sure the camera remains in that preset position during the whole configuration.

  3. Select the preset position in the drop-down menu of the camera in the device list.

  4. Follow the instructions in Set the perspective in the scene and Add detection zones to monitor.

  5. Optionally repeat the configuration for other preset positions.

Save or load configurations

In the configuration tool, you can save and load configurations for backup or reuse with slight modifications in other devices.

Save configuration

Click ... and select Save to file.

Load configuration

Click ... and select Load from file.

Connect through a firewall

Click the cogwheel icon to access the Maintenance dialog box.

Type the relevant HTTP and HTTPS ports for the camera and desktop application.

Access the event log

  1. In the event log you’ll find the time, duration and snapshots of events for the current device.
  2. Go to the device list.

  3. Click

Set up alarms in AXIS Camera Station

This example explains how to set up a rule in AXIS Camera Station to alert the operator and record video when a parking violation occurs.

Before you start

  • You need:
  • an Axis network camera with AXIS Parking Violation set up and running

  • a computer with AXIS Camera Station installed

  1. Add the camera to AXIS Camera Station
  2. In AXIS Camera Station, add the camera. See the user manual for AXIS Camera Station.

  1. Create a device event trigger
  2. Click and go to Configuration > Recording and events > Action rules and click New.

  3. Click Add to add a trigger.

  4. Select Device event from the list of triggers and click Ok.

  5. In the Configure device event trigger section:

    • In Device, select the camera.

    • In Event, select ParkingViolation.

    • In Trigger period, set an interval time between two successive triggers. Use this function to reduce the number of successive recordings. If an additional trigger occurs within this interval, the recording will continue and the trigger period starts over from that point in time.

  6. In Filters, set active to Yes.

  7. Click Ok.

  1. Create actions to raise alarms and record video
  2. Click Next.

  3. Click Add to add an action.

  4. Select Raise alarm from the list of actions and click Ok.

  5. Note

    The alarm message is what the operator sees when an alarm is raised.

  6. In the Alarm message section, enter an alarm title and description.

  7. Click Ok.

  8. Click Add to add another action.

  9. Select Record from the list of actions and click Ok.

  10. In the list of cameras, select the camera to use for recording.

  11. Select a profile and set the prebuffer and postbuffer.

  12. Click Ok.

  13. Note

    The prebuffer is limited to 60 seconds. If the detection threshold is set to more than 60 seconds., the moment when the vehicle stops won’t be recorded. To make sure it is recorded, go to Schedule and select Always.

  1. Specify when the alarm is active
  2. Click Next.

  3. If you only want the alarm to be active during certain hours, select Custom schedule.

  4. Select a schedule from the list.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Enter a name for the rule.

  7. Click Finish.

Set up alarms in Genetec Security Center

This example explains how to set up a rule in Genetec Security Center to alert the operator and record video when a parking violation occurs.

Before you start

  • You need:
  • an Axis network camera with AXIS Parking Violation Detection up and running, see Get started.

  • a computer running Genetec Security Center.

  1. Add the camera to Genetec Security Desk .
  2. Log in toGenetec Security Desk.

  3. Go to Tools > Config Tool > Video > Archive.

  4. Right click Archiver and go to Add an entity > Video unit.

  5. In the Manual add popup window:

    1. Select Manufacturer: Axis

    2. Select Product type: Other

    3. Type the IP address of the AXIS Camera

    4. Select HTTP port: 80 (default value)

    5. Authentication: select Specific

    6. Type Username and password

  6. Click Add and close.

Once the camera is added to Security Desk, configure the event type displayed when an alarm is triggered.

  1. Go to Archiver > Camera > Properties.

  2. In Applications, select the AXIS Parking Violation Detection application.

  3. In Application events: select incident type ParkingViolationDetection.

  4. Click Apply to validate the configuration.

  5. Restart the Security Center service to apply the modification.

Configure an alarm and display it in the Monitoring tab

  1. Go to Security Desk > Options > Events.

  2. Expand the Custom events list

  3. Click:

    • ParkingViolation ON: An alarm will rise when an incident occurs (at the beginning of incident)

    • ParkingViolation OFF: An alarm will rise at the end of incident.

  4. Verify that the column Display in tile for AXIS Parking Violation Detection events is checked (it should be checked by default). If not, check it. This action allows the alarm to be displayed on Monitoring in Security Desk.

  5. Go to Security Desk > Monitoring

  6. Double click on the camera you want to be displayed in the tile. Click on Monitoring in the bottom to configure the event to display in the monitoring interface.

  7. Click on the camera that will raise the event.

  8. In the Alarm monitoring, click on ON to display the event on top of Monitoring.

If your camera has monitoring activated, as soon as a ParkingViolationDetection event attached to the camera is received, Security Desk automatically shows the camera in the first free tile of the Monitoring Task.


You can configure the monitored device to always be displayed in the same tile.

Configure event-to-action

An event-to-action links an action to a particular event. Configure a custom event to trigger an action when Security Desk receives an alarm from AXIS Parking Violation Detection.

  1. Open the Genetec Config Tool and go to System > General Settings.

  2. Go to Actions and click + (icon).

  3. Select an AXIS Parking Violation Detection event type in the When drop-down list.

  4. Click Any entity in the From menu, and select the AXIS camera that triggers the event.

  5. In Effective, click Always, and set a schedule for when the event-to-action is active.

  6. Click Save.

Validate you configuration

Make sure that the configuration is done according to the system specifications by simulating an incident or testing the user alarm. See Test the VMS integration

Enable metadata for Genetec Security Center

To send metadata from AXIS Parking Violation Detection to Genetec Security Desk:

  1. Add a Record Action Rule in Genetec Security Desk.

  2. Activate the event metadata in the AXIS Parking Violation Detection desktop app:

    1. Select the camera in the list.

    2. Click the settings icon.

    3. Click Access plain config

    4. Activate all three metadata types: Preset, LaneID and StartDateTimeUTC.

    5. Click Save

  3. Test the VMS integration.

Test the VMS integration

To test that the VMS integration works as expected you can trigger an event manually.

  1. In the desktop app, go to the device list.

  2. Choose a device and click

  3. To trigger the event, click

  4. Go to the VMS and check that the timer and the alert show up as expected.

Learn more


With applications, you can get more out of your Axis device. AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) is an open platform that makes it possible for third parties to develop analytics and other applications for Axis devices. Applications can be preinstalled on the device, available for download for free, or for a license fee.

AXIS OS options

Axis offers device software management according to either the active track or the long-term support (LTS) tracks. Being on the active track means continuously getting access to all the latest product features, while the LTS tracks provide a fixed platform with periodic releases focused mainly on bug fixes and security updates.

Using AXIS OS from the active track is recommended if you want to access the newest features, or if you use Axis end-to-end system offerings. The LTS tracks are recommended if you use third-party integrations, which are not continuously validated against the latest active track. With LTS, the products can maintain cybersecurity without introducing any significant functional changes or affecting any existing integrations. For more detailed information about Axis device software strategy, go to /support/device-software.


Change the number of alarms

By adjusting the sensitivity of the detection and the thresholds for when an alert should be triggered in the Configuration tool, you can increase or decrease the number of alarms triggered.

  • To decrease the number of alarms: raise the Threshold or reduce the Sensitivity of the detection.

  • To increase the number of alarms: lower the Threshold or increase the Sensitivity of the detection.

Increase performance

If the camera is running multiple camera applications, you may need to access the camera’s webpage and switch them off in order to increase performance.


AXIS Video Motion Detection 4 run by default on most AXIS cameras. The Q16 and Q17–series have AXIS Guard Suite running by default.

Update the application to the latest version

To take advantage of latest improvements , we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of the application.

Download the latest versions of the camera app and the desktop app, see Download the desktop and camera apps.

Upgrade the firmware


Preconfigured and customized settings are saved when the firmware is upgraded (provided that the features are available in the new firmware) although this is not guaranteed by Axis Communications AB.


Make sure the product remains connected to the power source throughout the upgrade process.


When you upgrade the product with the latest firmware in the active track, the product receives the latest functionality available. Always read the upgrade instructions and release notes available with each new release before upgrading the firmware. To find the latest firmware and the release notes, go to /support/firmware.

How to upgrade the firmware
  1. Download the firmware file to your computer, available free of charge at /support/firmware.

  2. Log in to the product as an administrator.