AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter - User Manual Setup Guide

Solution overview An overview of the different devices, applications, and tools needed for a complete Axis solution. AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter provides software and dedicated hardware in one device. The 3D people counting application is embedded in the device. This means that you don’t need a dedicated computer to run the application. AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter is intended for indoor use in, for example, retail environments like stores or shopping malls, or other locations where you want to count people or keep track of how many people are inside the premises. An example of a store with AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter at each entrance. What’s the difference between AXIS People Counter and AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter? The applications have two

Solution overview

An overview of the different devices, applications, and tools needed for a complete Axis solution.

AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter

AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter provides software and dedicated hardware in one device. The 3D people counting application is embedded in the device. This means that you don’t need a dedicated computer to run the application. AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter is intended for indoor use in, for example, retail environments like stores or shopping malls, or other locations where you want to count people or keep track of how many people are inside the premises.

An example of a store with AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter at each entrance.

What’s the difference between AXIS People Counter and AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter?

The applications have two different algorithms for counting people which makes them suitable for different environments:

  • AXIS People Counter recognizes objects that move in the field of view and identifies them as people based on their overall size and movement. AXIS People Counter is suitable for most scenarios, covering single as well as double door entrances.

  • AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter calculates the depth within the counting area in order to measure the height and the size of the object. AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter is suitable for crowded scenarios and scenes with challenging light conditions like strong sunlight, glares and shadows.

Get started

  1. To get started with AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter:
  2. Connect, find, and access the device: Connect the device to the network, Find the device on the network,

  3. Upgrade the firmware

  4. Install the device

  5. Configure the counter

Connect the device to the network

  1. You can connect the device to the network without removing it from the box:
  2. Open the box.

  3. Remove the front plate.

  4. Open the lid.

  5. Insert the network cable.

Find the device on the network

To find Axis devices on the network and assign them IP addresses in Windows®, use AXIS IP Utility or AXIS Device Manager. Both applications are free and can be downloaded from /support.

For more information about how to find and assign IP addresses, go to How to assign an IP address and access your device.

Browser support

You can use the device with the following browsers:










Other operating systems



Open the device's web interface

  1. Open a browser and type the IP address or host name of the Axis device.

    If you do not know the IP address, use AXIS IP Utility or AXIS Device Manager to find the device on the network.

  2. Type the username and password. If you access the device for the first time, you must create an administrator account. See Create an administrator account.

For descriptions of all the controls and options in the device’s web interface, see .

Verify that no one has tampered with the device software

  1. To make sure that the device has its original AXIS OS, or to take full control of the device after a security attack:
  2. Reset to factory default settings. See Reset to factory default settings.

    After the reset, secure boot guarantees the state of the device.

  3. Configure and install the device.

Create an administrator account

The first time you log in to your device, you must create an administrator account.

  1. Enter a username.

  2. Enter a password. See Secure passwords.

  3. Re-enter the password.

  4. Accept the license agreement.

  5. Click Add account.


The device has no default account. If you lose the password for your administrator account, you must reset the device. See Reset to factory default settings.

Secure passwords


Axis devices send the initially set password in clear text over the network. To protect your device after the first login, set up a secure and encrypted HTTPS connection and then change the password.

The device password is the primary protection for your data and services. Axis devices do not impose a password policy as they may be used in various types of installations.

To protect your data we strongly recommend that you:

  • Use a password with at least 8 characters, preferably created by a password generator.

  • Don’t expose the password.

  • Change the password at a recurring interval, at least once a year.

Upgrade the firmware

Before you start using the application, we recommend you to upgrade the firmware.


When you upgrade the product with the latest firmware in the active track, the product receives the latest functionality available. Always read the upgrade instructions and release notes available with each new release before upgrading the firmware. To find the latest firmware and the release notes, go to /support/firmware.

  1. Download the firmware file to your computer, available free of charge at /support/firmware.

  2. Log in to the product as an administrator.

  3. Go to Device settings > Device view > System > Maintenance. Follow the instructions under Firmware upgrade. When the upgrade has finished, the product restarts automatically.

You can use AXIS Device Manager for multiple upgrades. Find out more at /products/axis-device-manager.

Install the device

For instructions on how to install the device, see the installation guide and the installation video.

Installation guide

Installation video

In addition to the instructions in the installation guide, there are some important steps to follow for the application to behave in the expected way:

  • The device must be mounted straight above the point where people pass.

  • Make sure the device is facing straight down, in line with the ceiling. It’s important that both the ceiling and the floor are level.

  • Make sure there is sufficient white light on site.

  • Make sure there are no objects interfering in the device’s view. For example, do not install the device too close to a door or a large sign hanging from the ceiling.

  • Loitering people or large objects that sway slightly could interfere with the counting.

Mounting height and coverage

The table shows the maximum width and depth that can be covered by a single device at a given mounting height. The mounting height is the distance from the floor to the back of the device. If your area of interest is wider than the maximum counting area width, you can mount more than one device to cover the full width. To calculate how many devices you need, use the design tool for AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter.

Mounting height

cm (in)

Maximum counting area width

cm (in)

Maximum counting area depth

cm (in)

250 (98)199 (78)46 (18)
300 (118)306 (120)100 (39)
350 (138)400 (157)154 (61)
400 (157)400 (157)208 (82)
450 (177)400 (157)225 (89)
500 (197)400 (157)225 (89)
550 (217)400 (157)225 (89)
600 (236)400 (157)225 (89)

Configure the counter

If the area of interest can be covered by a single device, follow the instructions in Configure a single device

If the area of interest is too wide to be covered by a single device, you can connect multiple devices to increase the width of the counting area. For a multiple device setup, follow the instructions in Configure multiple devices

Counting area

The counting area is the area where people who pass through are counted. You draw the counting area at floor level. Entrance lines are green and marked with an arrow, and exit lines are blue. To be counted as going in, a person has to cross first an entrance and then an exit line. To be counted as going out, a person has to cross first an exit line and then an entrance line.


If the scene is a corridor, make sure the counting area doesn’t include parts of the walls as this can cause problems with shadows being counted.

Configure a single device

  1. Measure the device’s mounting height.

    The mounting height is the distance from the floor to the back of the device.

  2. In the device’s webpage, go to Setup > Counter and make sure Single device is highlighted.

  3. Fill in the device’s name and mounting height in the Device section.

  4. Create the counting area:

    1. Click .

    2. Click the live image once for every corner of the counting area.

      The counting area must consist of at least 4 corners.

  5. Set entrance and exit segments of the counting area:

    1. Click .

    2. Click each entrance segment of the counting area.

    3. Click

    4. Click each exit segment of the counting area.

      Entrance segments are green, and exit segments are blue.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Advanced > Troubleshooting and turn off Application in test mode.

Configure multiple devices


For reporting of statistics to work, the date and time must be synchronized between the devices. We recommend you to use an NTP server to keep the devices synchronized.

  1. Measure the device’s mounting height.

    The mounting height is the distance from the floor to the back of the device.

  2. Important

    All devices must be mounted at the same height.

  3. Open the primary and secondary devices’ webpages in separate tabs in a web browser.

  4. In the webpage of the primary device, go to Setup > Counter and select Multiple device.

  5. Under Wide area coverage, make sure Primary is highlighted.

  6. In Preferred URL, enter a name or address that the secondary device can always use to connect to the primary device. You need to enter a value if, for example, you connect to the devices through a proxy, or if the devices get their IP addresses assigned dynamically. If the value is already correct, you don’t need to change anything.

  7. Click Generate key to generate a key for the primary device.

  8. Copy the primary key.

  9. Fill in the device’s name and mounting height in the Device section.

  10. In the webpage of the secondary device, go to Setup > Counter and select Multiple device.

  11. Under Wide area coverage, select Secondary.

  12. Paste the primary key into the Primary key field and click Test connection.

  13. Fill in the device’s name and mounting height in the Device section.

  14. Click Save.

  15. In the webpage of the primary device, enter the URL of the secondary device in Secondary URL.

  16. Place an object, for example a sheet of paper, at the exact mid-point between the two devices. It’s very important that you place the object exactly in the middle of the two devices since the object is used as a reference point to calibrate the devices.

  17. Use the sliders to align the devices’ views. Try to avoid vertical offset.

    1. Primary device’s view
    2. Secondary device’s view
    3. Reference object
  18. To change which side of the counting area is the entrance and exit, click Reverse in/out direction under Counting area.

  19. Click Save.

  20. Go to Advanced > Troubleshooting and turn off Application in test mode.

Create a user account

You can create user accounts with different privileges, so that unauthorized staff can view statistics but not change any settings of the counter.

  1. To create a user account:
  2. Go to Device settings > Accounts.

  3. Click +.

  4. Users with the Viewer role can only access the Statistics pages and the Advanced > About page.

Anonymize people


This setting is only available if you have logged in as an administrator.

If you want to prevent people from being identified in the live view or recordings, you can turn on privacy mode. Privacy mode blocks all video streams and images and turns the live view into a black image.

  1. To turn on privacy mode:
  2. Go to Setup > Counter > Privacy.

  3. Turn on Privacy mode.

Notify user every time a defined number of people have entered a room

With the passthrough threshold functionality, you can get notified every time a certain number of people have passed the counter. You can use it, for example, to know when it's time to clean a room. The feature only counts people going in. When the defined number has been reached, the passthrough counter starts over from 0.

This example explains how to set up a rule to send an email every time 100 people have entered a room that has a counter outside the entrance.

  1. Set the passthrough threshold
  2. In the device’s webpage, go to Setup > Counter > Passthrough threshold.

  3. Turn on Allow passthrough threshold events.

  4. In Number of IN passages between events, enter 100.

  5. Click Save.

  1. Create a rule
  2. Go to Device settings > Events > Rules and add a rule.

  3. Type a name for the rule.

  4. In the list of conditions, under Application, select A3DPCPassthroughThresholdEvent.

  5. In the list of actions, under Notifications, select Send notification to email and then select a recipient from the list.

    To create a new recipient, go to Recipients.

  6. Type a subject and a message for the email.

  7. Click Save.

Play an audio clip if someone walks in the wrong direction

Use a network speaker to let visitors know they are walking in the wrong direction.

This example explains how to connect the counter to an Axis network speaker, and set up the speaker to play an audio clip whenever someone exits through an entrance.

  1. Connect the devices
  2. In the speaker’s web interface, go to Audio > Audio clips.

  3. Hover a clip, click and select Create link.

  4. Adjust the volume.

  5. Enter the number of times to play the clip.

  6. Copy the link.

  7. Click Close.

  8. In the counter’s web interface, go to Device settings > Events > Recipients and add a recipient.

  9. In Name, type Speaker.

  10. In Type, select HTTP.

  11. In URL, paste the link from the speaker.

  12. Type the username and password for the speaker.

  13. Click Save.

  14. Create a rule to play audio clip
  15. Click Rules and add a rule.

  16. In Name, type Wrong way audio.

  17. In the list of conditions, under Application, select A3DPCCountingEvent.

  18. In the list of directions, select Out.

  19. In the list of actions, under Notifications, select Send notification through HTTP.

  20. Click Save.

Record video when two people enter together

Use an Axis network camera to record tailgating incidents.

This example explains how to connect the counter to a camera, and set it up to record video when more than one person pass through the counting area in less than 3 seconds.

  1. Turn on tailgating detection
  2. In the counter’s web interface, go to Setup > Counter > Tailgating threshold and turn on Allow tailgating events.

  3. In Seconds required between counts, type 3.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Add a recipient to connect the counter to the camera
  6. Go to Device settings > Events > Recipients and add a recipient.

  7. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Camera

    • Type: HTTP

    • URL: http://<IPaddress>/axis-cgi/io/virtualinput.cgi

      Replace <IPaddress> with the address of the camera.

    • The username and password of the camera.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Create two rules in the counter to start and stop recording
  10. Go to Rules and create a rule.

  11. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Start recording on camera

    • Condition: Application > A3DPCTailgatingEvent

    • Action: Notifications > Send notification through HTTP

    • Recipient: Camera

    • Query string suffix: action=6:/

  12. Click Save.

  13. Add another rule with the following information:

    • Name: Stop recording on camera

    • Condition: Application > A3DPCTailgatingEvent

    • Action: Notifications > Send notification through HTTP

    • Recipient: Camera

    • Query string suffix: action=6:\

  14. Click Save.

  15. Create a rule in the camera
  16. In the camera’s web interface, go to System > Events and add a rule.

  17. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Record

    • Condition: I/O > Manual trigger

    • Select Use this condition as a trigger.

    • Action: Recordings > Record video

    • Select a stream profile and storage for the recordings.

  18. Click Save.

Occupancy estimation

The occupancy estimation functionality estimates how many people are inside the premises at the same time. It works when there is just one entrance as well as when there are several entrances. For areas with more than one entrance, you need to install AXIS P8815-2 3D People Counter devices at each one. You connect the devices to each other, and assign the primary occupancy role to one of them and the secondary occupancy role to the other ones. The primary occupancy device continuously receives data from the secondary occupancy devices and presents the data in the Statistics > Occupancy page.


The primary and secondary occupancy roles are different from the primary and secondary roles that are used to connect devices to increase the counting area width to cover wide entrances. Read more in Mounting height and coverage.

Configure occupancy estimation for a single entrance area

If there is only one way in and out of the area, you simply need to turn on the occupancy functionality. If the entrance is covered by multiple devices, turn on the functionality in the primary device.

  1. Go to Setup > Occupancy and turn on Estimate occupancy.

Configure occupancy estimation for a multiple entrance area

If there is more than one way in and out of the area, you need to connect the devices from all entrances and exits and give one of them the primary occupancy role. The other devices take the secondary occupancy role. If an entrance is wide and therefore covered by multiple devices, you only need to connect the wide area coverage primary device.

The primary occupancy device receives data from all devices connected to it.

  1. Select one device to be the primary occupancy device. It doesn't matter which device you choose.

  2. Open the primary and secondary occupancy devices' webpages in separate tabs in a web browser.

  3. In the webpage of the primary occupancy device, go to Setup > Occupancy and turn on Estimate occupancy.

  4. Under Occupancy role, select Primary.

  5. If the preferred URL is wrong, change it.

  6. Generate keys for all secondary occupancy devices.

  7. Copy one of the keys.

  8. In the webpage of one of the secondary occupancy devices, go to Setup > Occupancy and turn on Estimate occupancy.

  9. Under Occupancy role, select Secondary.

  10. Paste the key and click Test connection.

  11. Repeat steps 7-10 for each of the secondary occupancy devices. Use unique keys for each device.

You can generate new keys whenever you need to.

Change time for occupancy reset


We recommend you to reset the occupancy value when the premises are normally empty, for example during closing hours just before opening time.

By default, the occupancy value resets once per day at 00:00. To change the time of the reset to 06:30:

  1. Go to Setup > Occupancy.

  2. In Occupancy reset > Reset time, type 6:30 AM.

Send an email when the occupancy level exceeds the limit

This example explains how to set up a rule to send an email when the number of people inside the premises exceeds a limit. In the example, the limit is 200.

  1. Set the maximum occupancy limit
  2. In the device’s webpage, go to Setup > Occupancy.

  3. Under Allow events, enter 200 in Higher threshold.

  1. Create a rule
  2. Go to Device settings > Events > Rules and add a rule.

  3. Type a name for the rule.

  4. In the list of conditions, under Application, select A3DPCOccupancyEvent-High.

  5. In the list of actions, under Notifications, select Send notification to email and then select a recipient from the list.

    To create a new recipient, go to Recipients.

  6. Type a subject and a message for the email.

  7. Click Save.

Send a notification when the occupancy limit is exceeded

This example explains how to set up a rule in AXIS Camera Station to send mobile notifications when the number of people inside the premises exceed the maximum limit. In the example, the maximum limit is 50.

Before you start

  • You need:
  • occupancy turned on and configured in the device

  • a computer with AXIS Camera Station 5.36 or later installed

  • AXIS Camera Station Mobile app

  1. Set the maximum occupancy limit
  2. In the device’s webpage, go to Setup > Occupancy.

  3. Under Allow events, enter 50 in Higher threshold.

  1. Create a device event trigger
  2. In AXIS Camera Station, click and go to Configuration > Recording and events > Action rules and click New.

  3. Click Add to add a trigger.

  4. Select Device event from the list of triggers and click Ok.

  5. In the Configure device event trigger section:

    • In Device, select the device.

    • In Event, select A3DPCOccupancyEvent-High.

    • In Trigger period, set an interval time between two successive triggers. Use this function to reduce the number of successive recordings. If an additional trigger occurs within this interval, the event will continue and the trigger period starts over from that point in time.

  6. In Filters, set active to Yes.

  7. Click Ok.

  1. Create actions to send notifications to the mobile app
  2. Click Next.

  3. Click Add to add an action.

  4. Select Send mobile app notification from the list of actions and click Ok.

  5. Note

    The message is what the receiver sees when an alarm is triggered.

  6. In Message, enter the message to send when the occupancy limit is exceeded.

  7. Select Default. This opens the main page of the AXIS Camera Station Mobile app when the receiver clicks the notification.

  8. Click Ok.

  1. Specify when the alarm is active
  2. Click Next.

  3. If you only want the alarm to be active during certain hours, select Custom schedule.

  4. Select a schedule from the list.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Enter a name for the rule.

  7. Click Finish.

Occupancy status pages

If you want to visualize the current occupancy level to an operator or directly to customers, you can use the occupancy status pages.

  • http://<servername>/a3dpc/index.html#/occupancy-operator-view: The page shows how many people are currently in the premises, and whether that number is low, medium, or high occupancy. Go to Setup > Occupancy > Events to define the thresholds.

  • http://<servername>/a3dpc/index.html#/occupancy-stop-go: The page shows visitors if they can enter the premises or not. If the estimated occupancy is low or medium, visitors are welcome to enter. Go to Setup > Occupancy > Events to define the thresholds.

You can embed these pages into other systems, for example AXIS Camera Station or Milestone's XProtect Smart Client. For instructions on how to embed a page into AXIS Camera Station, see the user manual for AXIS Camera Station.


  1. The device sends data automatically to a remote HTTPS destination through the data push functionality.

  2. A third-party database or service stores and processes the data.

  3. Alternatively, the device sends data to a local instance of AXIS Store Data Manager, which stores and processes the data.

  4. AXIS Store Reporter, or a third-party reporting platform, visualizes the collected data.

  5. Alternatively, third-party applications request data directly from the device through a built-in API.


There are several ways to use the statistics from the counter:

  • In the application’s web interface, view real-time counting data in the built-in graphs.

  • View built-in graphs in day, week, and month views in the Statistics pages. The data is updated in real time.

    Data is available on the device for up to 90 days and updated every minute. The data is stored in one-minute bins representing the in and out counts for that minute.

  • Download data through an open API. See VAPIX® Library

  • Send data automatically to a remote HTTPS destination through the data push functionality. See Report data to a remote destination.

  • Use AXIS Store Data Manager, a software package that acts as a central point to store and manage data collected from all devices. See Connect the device to a folder in AXIS Store Data Manager.

  • Use AXIS Store Reporter, a statistical web-based solution, for managing and monitoring historical data.

  • Download statistics to your computer, see Download statistics.

Connect the device to a folder in AXIS Store Data Manager

  1. In AXIS Store Data Manager, go to Sources and get the Folder connection identifier and the Folder connection password for the folder you want to connect to.

  2. In the application’s web interface, go to Setup > Counter.

  3. Under Device, enter a name for the device, so you know which device the report comes from.

  4. Go to Setup > Reporting.

  5. To allow sending reports to AXIS Store Data Manager, turn on Report to ASDM.

  6. In the URL field, enter the address to the server.

  7. Enter the folder connection identifier and password for AXIS Store Data Manager in the Folder identifier fields.

  8. Click Test connection.

    If the connection is successful, it’s indicated by a white check mark.

  9. Click Save.

Report data to a remote destination

  1. To make the device push data regularly to a remote destination:
  2. Go to Setup > Counter and check that the device has a name.

    The name helps you identify which device the report comes from.

  3. Go to Setup > Reporting and turn on Report to server.

  4. In the URL field, enter the address of the server, for example

  5. In the Send interval field, set how often you want the device to send data to the server.

  6. Optionally, enter a token to let the device authenticate itself to the server in the API token field.

  7. Click Test connection.

    If the connection is successful, it’s indicated by a white check mark.

  8. Click Save.

You can learn more about the data push functionality in the API documentation.

Configure proxy settings

If the device and the report destination are separated by a proxy server, you need to enter information about the proxy server in the device’s webpage to be able to send reports.

  1. Go to Setup > Reporting and turn on Use proxy.

  2. In the URL field, enter the address of the proxy server followed by a port number if applicable. For example:

  3. In the Username and Password fields, enter the username and password of the proxy server.

  4. Click Save.

Download statistics

  1. Go to Statistics > In and out or Statistics > Occupancy.

  2. Click Export data.

    A comma-delimited (.csv) file with all statistics data from the device is saved locally.


The software doesn’t count.Make sure the instructions for how to install the device has been followed, see Install the device.
I still can’t get the software to count.If you have followed the advice above and still can’t get the software to work, contact your Axis reseller.
The software counts shadows on the walls.1. Make sure the counting area only doesn’t include parts of the walls.
2. Go to Advanced > Troubleshooting and turn on Eliminate shadows.
I have a wide area covered by multiple devices, and the software doesn’t send reports.Make sure the date and time of the devices are synchronized.
The software warns me that the FPS is low.1. Make sure no other applications run on the device at the same time.
2. Make sure there is only one video stream from the device running at a time.

Technical issues, clues, and solutions

Problems upgrading the firmware

Firmware upgrade failure

If the firmware upgrade fails, the device reloads the previous firmware. The most common reason is that the wrong firmware file has been uploaded. Check that the name of the firmware file corresponds to your device and try again.

Problems setting the IP address

The device is located on a different subnet

If the IP address intended for the device and the IP address of the computer used to access the device are located on different subnets, you cannot set the IP address. Contact your network administrator to obtain an IP address.

The IP address is being used by another device

Disconnect the Axis device from the network. Run the ping command (in a Command/DOS window, type ping and the IP address of the device):

  • If you receive: Reply from <IP address>: bytes=32; time=10... this means that the IP address may already be in use by another device on the network. Obtain a new IP address from the network administrator and reinstall the device.

  • If you receive: Request timed out, this means that the IP address is available for use with the Axis device. Check all cabling and reinstall the device.

Possible IP address conflict with another device on the same subnet

The static IP address in the Axis device is used before the DHCP server sets a dynamic address. This means that if the same default static IP address is also used by another device, there may be problems accessing the device.

The device cannot be accessed from a browser

Cannot log in

When HTTPS is enabled, ensure that the correct protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) is used when attempting to log in. You may need to manually type http or https in the browser’s address field.

If the password for the user root is lost, the device must be reset to the factory default settings. See Reset to factory default settings.

The IP address has been changed by DHCP

IP addresses obtained from a DHCP server are dynamic and may change. If the IP address has been changed, use AXIS IP Utility or AXIS Device Manager to locate the device on the network. Identify the device using its model or serial number, or by the DNS name (if the name has been configured).

If required, a static IP address can be assigned manually. For instructions, go to /support.

Problems with streaming

Multicast H.264 only accessible by local clients

Check if your router supports multicasting, or if the router settings between the client and the device need to be configured. The TTL (Time To Live) value may need to be increased.

No multicast H.264 displayed in the client

Check with your network administrator that the multicast addresses used by the Axis device are valid for your network.

Check with your network administrator to see if there is a firewall preventing viewing.

Poor rendering of H.264 images

Ensure that your graphics card is using the latest driver. The latest drivers can usually be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

Color saturation is different in H.264 and Motion JPEG

Modify the settings for your graphics adapter. Go to the adapter’s documentation for more information.

Lower frame rate than expected

  • See Performance considerations.

  • Reduce the number of applications running on the client computer.

  • Limit the number of simultaneous viewers.

  • Check with the network administrator that there is enough bandwidth available.

  • Lower the image resolution.

  • The maximum frames per second is dependent on the utility frequency (60/50 Hz) of the Axis device.

Restart the application

If the counting is inaccurate or the web interface unusually slow, you can try restarting the running services or restart the device.

To restart the device, go to Device Settings > Device view > System > Maintenance and click Restart.

Generate a log report

If you have any trouble with your device you can generate a log report.

  1. Go to Device settings > Device view > System > Maintenance > Logs

  2. Click View the system log.

  3. The log report opens in a new tab in the browser.

Reset to factory default settings


Reset to factory default should be used with caution. A reset to factory default resets all settings, including the IP address, to the factory default values. It also deletes all counting data from the device.

  1. Disconnect power from the product.

  2. Press and hold the control button while reconnecting power. See Product overview.

  3. Keep the control button pressed for 15–30 seconds until the status LED indicator flashes amber.

  4. Release the control button. The process is complete when the status LED indicator turns green. The product has been reset to the factory default settings. If no DHCP server is available on the network, the default IP address is

  5. Use the installation and management software tools to assign an IP address, set the password, and access the video stream.

    The installation and management software tools are available from the support pages on /support.

It is also possible to reset parameters to factory default through the web interface. Go to Device settings > Device view > System > Maintenance.

AXIS OS options

Axis offers device software management according to either the active track or the long-term support (LTS) tracks. Being on the active track means continuously getting access to all the latest product features, while the LTS tracks provide a fixed platform with periodic releases focused mainly on bug fixes and security updates.

Using AXIS OS from the active track is recommended if you want to access the newest features, or if you use Axis end-to-end system offerings. The LTS tracks are recommended if you use third-party integrations, which are not continuously validated against the latest active track. With LTS, the products can maintain cybersecurity without introducing any significant functional changes or affecting any existing integrations. For more detailed information about Axis device software strategy, go to /support/device-software.

Check the current firmware

Firmware is the software that determines the functionality of network devices. One of your first actions when troubleshooting a problem should be to check the current firmware version. The latest version may contain a correction that fixes your particular problem.

To check the current firmware, go to Advanced > About.

Performance considerations

When setting up your system, it is important to consider how various settings and situations affect the performance. Some factors affect the amount of bandwidth (the bitrate) required, others can affect the frame rate, and some affect both. If the load on the CPU reaches its maximum, this also affects the frame rate.

The following factors are the most important to consider:

  • High image resolution or lower compression levels result in images containing more data which in turn affects the bandwidth.

  • Rotating the image in the GUI can increase the product's CPU load.

  • Access by large numbers of Motion JPEG or unicast H.264 clients affects the bandwidth.

  • Simultaneous viewing of different streams (resolution, compression) by different clients affects both frame rate and bandwidth.

    Use identical streams wherever possible to maintain a high frame rate. Stream profiles can be used to ensure that streams are identical.

  • Accessing Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams simultaneously affects both frame rate and bandwidth.

  • Heavy usage of event settings affects the product’s CPU load which in turn affects the frame rate.

  • Using HTTPS may reduce frame rate, in particular if streaming Motion JPEG.

  • Heavy network utilization due to poor infrastructure affects the bandwidth.

  • Viewing on poorly performing client computers lowers perceived performance and affects frame rate.

  • Running multiple AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) applications simultaneously may affect the frame rate and the general performance.

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Product overview

  1. Control button
  2. Status LED
  3. Fastening point for safety wire, M4
  4. Fastening point for camera stand, 1/4”–20 UNC
  5. Network connector

LED indicators

Status LEDIndication

Connection and normal operation.


Shows steady green for 10 seconds for normal operation after startup completed.


Steady during startup. Flashes during device software upgrade or reset to factory default.


Flashes amber/red if network connection is unavailable or lost.


Device software upgrade failure.


Control button


Network connector

RJ45 Ethernet connector with Power over Ethernet (PoE).