AXIS Guardian - User Manual Setup Guide

Solution overview Customer site Internet Alarm monitoring Customer access About AXIS Guardian AXIS Guardian provides a comprehensive solution that is easy to use and maintain. The service is a cloud-based solution where video can be stored in the cloud, locally on edge storage or in a combination of both. Sign in to AXIS Guardian Go to the sign-in page for AXIS Guardian . Sign in using your supplied username and password. Manage sites and alarm zones A site in AXIS Guardian represents a physical location you need monitored. An alarm zone is a section of a site that warrants specific behavior using actions and triggers. Actions can be activated and deactivated according to schedules or by the press of a button. Settings like schedules and action rules are specific to each site and alarm

Solution overview

  1. Customer site
  2. Internet
  3. Alarm monitoring
  4. Customer access

About AXIS Guardian

AXIS Guardian provides a comprehensive solution that is easy to use and maintain. The service is a cloud-based solution where video can be stored in the cloud, locally on edge storage or in a combination of both.

Sign in to AXIS Guardian

  1. Go to the sign-in page for AXIS Guardian.

  2. Sign in using your supplied username and password.

Manage sites and alarm zones

A site in AXIS Guardian represents a physical location you need monitored. An alarm zone is a section of a site that warrants specific behavior using actions and triggers. Actions can be activated and deactivated according to schedules or by the press of a button. Settings like schedules and action rules are specific to each site and alarm zone.

Create a site

A site in AXIS Guardian represents a physical location you need monitored. To create a site, you need to go to the advanced settings page in the AXIS Guardian Web Application.

  1. Go to Options menu> Go to advanced settings.

  2. In the settings page, go to Account> Manage sites and alarm zones.

  3. Under Create site, enter the name of the site.

Edit a site name

To edit a site name, go to Manage sites and alarm zones and select the site in the list. Click on the pen icon. You are now able to change the name of the site.

Remove a site

To remove a site, click on the x icon and then confirm that you wish to remove the site.


When a site is removed, any connected devices will lose all of their settings related to the site’s schedules and alarm zones.

Create an alarm zone

For easy management and customization, a site can be divided up in alarm zones. To create alarm zones corresponding to areas which need to be monitored, first go to Advanced settings.

  1. Go to Account>Manage sites and alarm zones.

  2. Select the site where the zone should be created.

  3. Enter the zone name. Use a descriptive name like “Register” or “Entrance”.

Add a device to AXIS Guardian

How to add a device to AXIS Guardian


  • MAC address — can be found on the device itself.

  • OAK (Owner Authentication Key) — provided with the device on a separate document.

  1. Sign in to AXIS Guardian.

  2. Select a site.

  3. Go to Configuration .

  4. Click Add device and enter:

    • MAC address.

    • OAK.

    • Device name.

    • External ID (if needed)

    • Description (optional, but recommended)

  5. Select an alarm zone if available.

  6. Click Add

  7. To establish a secure connection to AXIS Guardian, press the control button on the device (see the installation guide for its location on the device).

Repeat the above steps for all your devices.

Add an unassigned device to a site

Devices not yet assigned to a site are listed in Advanced settings > Site > Unassigned devices.

  1. Sign in to AXIS Guardian.

  2. Click the menu in the top right corner and click Go to advanced settings.

  3. Go to Site >Unassigned devices.

  4. In the Devices list, click on Device name of the device you would like to add. This will take you to the device specific settings.

  5. Under Edit device, select the site you want the device to be assigned to.

  6. If the site has alarm zones you can assign the device to a specific zone

  7. Click on the Save changes button

Edge storage

Axis cameras feature Edge storage. In Guardian, as an alternative or compliment to cloud storage, you have the option of using an onboard SD-card or a network-attached storage device like the AXIS Companion Recorder.

Configure a camera for onboard storage

  1. In the AXIS Guardian Web App, click the settings menu in the upper right corner and select Go to advanced settings.

  2. Select the desired camera in the device list by clicking the device name.

  3. If an SD card Is installed on the camera, its usage status is visible.

  4. Go to Storage>SD card>Manage.

  5. Choose Format to erase all data, Mount to activate or Eject deactivate the SD-card

Configure the camera for network storage

In the Guardian Web App, click the settings menu in the upper right corner and select Go to advanced settings.

  1. Select the desired camera in the device list by clicking the device name.

  2. Go to Storage>Network share>Manage.

  3. Enter the Share name and Server address followed by User name and Password.

  4. Click Connect

Create a schedule

  1. Go to Actions overview.

  2. Click Add new schedule.

  3. Check the boxes corresponding to each day of the week you would like the schedule to be active.

  4. Edit the time slot you would like the devices to be active on the selected site.

  5. Save the schedule using a descriptive name.

  6. To add an additional schedule, clickAdd and select the days and time.


Schedules are available to every device on a site.
Three schedules are pre-set: Open, Closed and Always

Edit schedules


  • Go to Actions overview.

  • Select a schedule to see the details and the action rules for each device that is associated with that schedule.

  • Check the boxes corresponding to each day of the week you would like the schedule to be active.

  • To delete a schedule click the x next to the schedule name.


A schedule that is used by an action rule cannot be deleted.

Edit alarm zone schedules

Alarm zone schedules have two states: armed and disarmed. Action rules can be associated with both states. The states can be switched at will in the alarm zone control panel.

  • Go to Actions overview.

  • Select an alarm zone to see its schedule and action rules for each device that is associated with that schedule.

  • Click Edit schedule.

  • Check the boxes corresponding to each day of the week you would like the devices to be disarmed.

  • To delete a schedule click the x next to the schedule name.

Add an action rule

Add action rules directly to a device in the AXIS Guardian Web Application.

  1. Go to Options menu > Go to advanced settings.

  2. Click on a device to access it.

  3. Go to Action rules and click Add new.

  4. Under Trigger settings, select your trigger type.

  5. Select a schedule to use. You can also assign it to an alarm zone, either in its armed or disarmed state.

  6. Select an action.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Edit the action’s settings.

  9. Click Save.

The action rule will now appear in the list showing the trigger, the assigned schedule and the action it will take.

Watch video

Monitoring a site is done in AXIS Guardian Web App > Surveillance .

Go to the Select media button to the left in the timeline section.

Select the cameras you would like to view at the same time.

Up to 16 cameras can be viewed at the same time in a split screen setup.


The playback controls control all of the currently selected cameras at the same time.

Export clip

  • Go to Surveillance.

  • Select the cameras you would like to export video from.

  • Use the timeline to navigate to the recorded video you would like to export. You can also select the exact date by clicking CALENDAR ICON

  • Click on —>I and a selection area will appear on the timeline.

  • Adjust the time and length of the selection that will be exported.

  • Click Save to download the clip in a zip file.


Total time of the clips can’t exceed 15 minutes.

Add a guest account

Guest accounts are highly customizable in terms of permissions and scheduled access.

  1. Go to Options menu> Go to advanced settings.

  2. In the settings page, go to Account> Add new guest.

  3. Add the guest information and click Apply.

  4. If you want to configure guest permissions click Edit rule.

    • Check the permissions that apply and schedule when they apply.

    • Click Update.

  5. Select the devices that should be shared with the user.

    • Check the permissions that apply and schedule when they apply.

    • Click Update.

  6. Note

    Guest accounts are accessible in the guest list in Advanced settings.