
Pelco VXP-E3-4-J-S VideoXpert Eco 3 Rack Server Network Video Recorder 4TB None

Brand: PELCO
Model: VXP-E3-4-J-S

Pelco VXP-E3-4-J-S Eco 3 Video Server with 4TB HDD, JBOD, 1U VideoXpert is avideomanagement system (VMS)inasinglebox, designedforeasy setupandrobust monitoringinsmall ormoderately sizedapplications. DesignedforWindows platforms, VideoXpert is easy toinstall, quick tosetup, andprovides anintuitiveinterfacethat helps operators usevideocapturedby the system. VideoXpert is available intailor-made hardware solutions or in software distributions to support your existing VMS infrastructure. VideoXpert provides options to support the throughput you need; and different amounts of storageinRAID 6, RAID 5, orJBOD arrangements tofit yourneeds forretention, redundancy, andfault tolerance. Softwarelicenses operateinterms of channels, soyoudon't overpay forthesolution youneed. Thesystem supports unicast
