
Pelco SD530-F0 740 TVL Spectra V Series Indoor Smoked Dome Camera None

Brand: PELCO
Model: SD530-F0

Pelco SD530-F0 740TVL Indoor PTZ CCTV Analog Security Camera with Smoked Dome and 30x Zoom Spectra V was designed with ease of installation and ease of maintenance inmind.Eachdomesystemconsistsofthreecomponents:abackbox,adome drive, and a lower dome. These three system components are interchange- able with other Spectra V dome systems, making retrofitting and application adjustmentssimple.Also,domedrivesandlowerdomescanberemovedand replaced reducing maintenance time. Spectra V back box options include the following models: environmental pendant. The Spectra V Series can also be ordered with heavy-duty, pressurized, and stainless steel back box options (refer to the appropriate product specification sheets for more information). Each back box model features built-in back box memory to
