Pelco FT85011AMSTR Single Channel Fiber Transmitter None
The FT85011AMSTR fiber transmitter provides the ability to transmit one unidirectional composite video channel and one bidirectional data channel over one optical fiber. In addition, patent-pending technology provides the solution for allowing Coaxitron pan/tilt/ zoom (PTZ) control data to be transmitted the full distance of the fiber (up to 6 km fiber). 8-Bit Digitally Encoded Video for High-Quality Video Transmission over a Single Fiber Bidirectional Data Channel That Supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 (2-wire/4-wire), Manchester, Bi-Phase, and Coaxitron Communication Patent-Pending Transmission Technology Allowing Coaxitron Control at Full-Distance Capabilities Integrated Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) in a Single Fiber Support for Distances up to 6 km Exceeds All Requirements for