Pelco FS85011AMSTEX Single Channel Fiber Transmitter None
The FS85011AMSTEX fiber transmitter is designed for quick and easy installation into the back box of Spectra III and Spectra IV domes or can be included as part of an ExSite explosionproof positioning system at the factory. The FS85011AMSTEX transmitter provides the ability to send one unidirectional composite video channel and one bidirectional RS-422 data channel over one optical fiber. In addition, patentpending technology provides the solution for allowing Coaxitronpan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) control data to be transmitted the full distance of the fiber. Available in multimode version, the FS85011AMSTEX transmitter is compatible with the FR85011A/FR85011 receiver. A jumper on the FS85011AMSTEX transmitter provides the unique capability to select RS-422 or Coaxitron data communication. The