Honeywell BR-7 Bar Code Swipe Reader
Bar code reader allows you to read virtually all existing bar code cards. Northern Computers' BR-7 Bar Code Reader allows you to read virtually all existing bar code cards and is housed in a rugged, water-resistant enclosure. Bar code cards are simple to create and easy to use. They provide the lowest-cost cards of any access control technology. With a security overlaminate, they provide protection from copying and a high level of security. The BR-7 reader outputs in a Wiegand format and reads either 5 or 12 digit cards. (12 digit cards can be used with the N-1000-II control panel Version 6.03, 7.49 or higher firmware). The BR-7 reads most bar code symbologies including: Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5. It is autodiscriminating, and reads in both directions. It reads with a wide range of