Honeywell 548-52100-01 AE Vindicator Area Commander
Intuitive Command and Control for Local Area Arm/Disarm Honeywell’s Vindicator Area Commander (VAC) provides comprehensive “Assessment at a Glance” protection for local area arm/disarm and monitoring solutions for Vindicator system partitions. VAC is composed of a graphical operator interface managed by a Vindicator V5 Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or a Vindicator Premise Controller (VPC). An authorized operator may secure or access partitions, acknowledge and secure partition alarms, and view partition event history. Partition events may be monitored or controlled outside the partition by security personnel using Vindicator Command and Control (VCC/VCC2) with a V5 IDS system controller. VAC presents an operator with graphical maps of partitions for clear orientation and quick