
博世 Bosch VG4-524-ECE0C AutoDome 500i 户外 36 倍 PTZ 安全摄像机 None


博世 AutoDome VG4-524-ECE0C 500i 室外 36 倍 PTZ 安全摄像机 Bosch AutoDome VG4-524-ECE0C 是 Bosch 的精英安全摄像机系列之一。博世安防摄像机拥有行业率先的质量和性能。博世安全摄像机具有很好的功能,使其成为任何视频监控系统的解决方案。以下是博世 AutoDome VG4-524-ECE0C 的主要功能。 博世 AutoDome VG4-524-ECE0C 主要特点: • 1/4" Exview HAD CCD imager • 36x zoom (3.4 -122.4 mm) lens • Provides high-quality imagery at resolutions up to 540 TVL • WDR function - corrects extreme lighting environments marked by high-contrast and harsh backlit scenes • Autoscaling automatically sets up the camera in a default position to view the object at the correct size • AutoPivot feature automatically rotates and flips the camera to ensure optimal control • Day/night ICR (Infrared Cut Filter Removal) function - switches between color and B W as per changes in ambient lighting, ensuring accurate color
