
博世 Bosch VG4-324-ECE0C Autodome 300 户外 36 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机 None


博世 Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0C 户外 36 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机 Bosch Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0C 是 Bosch 的精英安全摄像机系列之一。博世安防摄像机拥有行业率先的质量和性能。博世安全摄像机具有很好的功能,使其成为任何视频监控系统的解决方案。以下是博世 VG4-324-ECE0C 的主要特性。 博世 Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0C 主要特点: • Consists of a 36x Day/Night PTZ camera, outdoor pendant housing with a clear bubble, and a Corner mount • Equipped with interchangeable modules such as CPU, camera, housing, communications, and power supply • Allows you to hot-swap the modules without removing the dome and wiring • Ideal for places where there is frequent installing and removal of cameras • Supports a variety of standard and optional video and data transmission methods, including Bilinx (over coax and UTP), fiber, and even TCP/ IP over Ethernet • Offers remote control, configuration, and firmware
