
博世 Bosch VG4-162-CCE Autodome 100 室内日/夜 PTZ IP 安全摄像机 None


博世 Autodome 100 VG4-162-CCE 室内日/夜 PTZ IP 安全摄像机 Bosch Autodome 100 VG4-162-CCE 是 Bosch 的精英安全摄像机系列之一。博世安防摄像机拥有行业率先的质量和性能。博世安全摄像机具有很好的功能,使其成为任何视频监控系统的解决方案。以下是博世 VG4-162-CCE 的主要功能。 博世 Autodome 100 VG4-162-CCE 主要特点: • Day/night camera with 1/3" interline CCD imager and 2.7-13.5 mm lens • 15-bit Dinion high resolution color technology provides high-quality imagery at a resolution up to 540TVL • XF-dynamic feature enhances camera's sensitivity to provide more detailed image with accuracy in color reproduction • NightSense feature extends the low-light performance to deliver clear images • Automatic auto black feature - increases the visibility of details in mist or fog conditions where the scene contrast is less than full range • Backlight compensation - adjusts video gain to correct the
