Bosch REG-L1-825XE-01 License Plate Capture Security Camera None
Bosch REG-L1 License Plate Capture Camera Bosch REG-L1 License plate capture camera featuring DHC-Imaging - delivers advanced performance license plate capture for technical surveillance and represents the industry standard for License Plate capture cameras. Combining Bosch's latest proprietary technology, DHC-Imaging integrates advances in optics, infrared illumination and Ambient Rejection technology to produce highcontrast license plate images characterized by unmatched clarity. Using solid-state Metaphase-LEDs, REG-L1 Bosch License plate capture camera achieves an operational range from 12ft to 75ft, previously unattainable for any LED-based capture system. Combined with Boschrsquo;s Ambient Rejection technology, Bosch REG-L1 License plate capture camera provides high-contrast license