
Bosch MX938I 4.998.126.351

Brand: Bosch
Model: MX938I

The MX938i is a ceiling-mount PIR intrusion detector that provides a 360° coverage pattern consisting of 64 zones grouped into 16 barriers, with one additional zone looking straight down from the unit (sabotage). Through the use of interchangeable optical modules, the detector can be mounted on ceilings from 2.4 m (8 ft) to 5.5 m (18 ft) high. It is designed to connect to the multiplex bus of a control panel and optionally to an auxiliary 12 VDC power source. It is compatible with DS7400Xi Series Control Panels with a DS7430 or DS7436 Multiplex Expansion Module or with GV2 and G Series Control Panels with a D8125MUX Module installed. Interchangeable optical modules Selectable sensitivity Selectable signal gain Internal tamper switch Technology Passive Infrared Connection Wired Home
