Bosch MIZ-24S-W MIZ Piezoelectric Mini-horns Mini-horn 2-wire 24V white 4.998.151.515
The MIZ-24S-W mini-horn is dual-tone alarm devices listed for indoor use under UL464 for Audible Appliances. They combine a low current draw for a high sound output and offer field-selectable tone settings for temporal (Code 3) or continuous horn tones. They use either filtered DC or unfiltered full wave rectified (FWR) input voltage. All inputs are polarized for standard reverse polarity supervision. They can be synchronized when used with the SM (single) and DSM (dual) Synchronization Modules or a compatible control panel. If not synchronized, the temporal sound patterns could overlap and not be distinctive. Available in red for high visibility or off-white to blend in with room decor, these notification appliances offer the durability of high impact thermoplastic construction, easy