
Bosch F220-B6PM 4.998.125.341

Brand: Bosch
Model: F220-B6PM

Popit F220 Master Base. The F220-B6PM 24 VDC Four-wire Addressable Multiple Base, with built-in POPIT, provide individual addresses on the FACP data expansion circuit. This base accepts the F220 Family Photoelectric Smoke and Heat Detector Heads. When using this base with one of the F220 Detectors, it provides a Chamber Check trouble indication to the control panel through the POPIT Bus. The trouble indication appears at the keypads and annunciators as a Fire Trouble. This base is compatible with addressable systems controlled by D9412G Series or D7412G Series or newer control panels with a D8125 POPEX Module and 12 V or 24 V auxiliary powers or a D9124 24 V Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). POPITs provide individual addresses on the control panel data expansion circuit Multiple base can
